Earliest Delivery Date -: Monday 17 February

Your local florist


Nicola Florist flower delivery across the United Kingdom

Nicola Florist was established in 1972, offering quality and service throughout the Basingstoke Area. We supply a comprehensive range of beautiful floral displays, for all occasions, to the highest standards. Styles range from classic to contemporary, in a wide range of colours.

We offer a wide selection of flowers, from the classic red roses to exotic bouquets, all orders are freshly prepared and delivered throughout the UK.

Please go to our About Us page for more information on our "direct line" with the three main flower auctions in Holland, our "Going Dutch" buying power and lots more. Over 30 years of experience is what we can offer, to serve you at our very best.

Our flowers are imported from Holland and are individually prepared by one of our team of trained florists. We are able to provide the perfect arrangement for any occasion, we have an extensive selection of Bouquets, the perfect gift for a New Baby, the Exotic bouquet for the special occasion were something different is required or the more tradition Roses or Lilies bouquets.